We're greater than the sum of our parts.

We are a collectively governed, post-growth business. Our purpose is help usher in a new era, where our organizing structures and cultures contribute to a more thriving system for all.  

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Greaterthan is a home for organisation developers, facilitators, coaches and network weavers...

...who have joined forces for a collective experiment in shared leadership, self-organizing, care and mutualism. Started in 2017 from a passion for collaborative governance and participatory budgeting and the tool Cobudget, we are rooted in an ecosystem of practice-based communities that have been exploring decentralised organising and commoning for over a decade.

Anna Kopacz


Known for weaving conscious intention to the way we organize, communicate, and practice together, Anna is an embodiment coach and facilitator of healing spaces.

Tomomi Sasaki


Designer, facilitator and coach, working with you to build strong teams, healthy workplaces and useful products.

Lucia Die Gil


Defined by some as an organisational healer, Lucia brings her passion about connection, depth and exploration to the world of self management.

David Weingartner


Individual & collective transformation journeys, participatory processes, systems practice - David is passionate to design and hold those spaces in organisational environments

Mary O'Keeffe


Mary is a collaboration coach, facilitator & trainer experienced in distributed leadership, decentralised organising and more human ways of working.

Melinda Varfi


Melinda believes in the power of communities and is passionate about helping them grow to contribute towards a sustainable society through participatory processes.

Nenad Maljković


Collapse-aware network weaver, group process facilitator and teamwork coach with a motto "Towards regenerative cultures through dialogic collaboration".

Lyssa Adkins


Lyssa is a coach, agilist and lover of conscious human systems. She helps leaders and teams increase their awareness to create a more holistic impact on their orgs & our planet.

Ashish Arora


Ashish supports people to follow their hearts and organisations to create transformative cultures :)

Alicia Trepat


Alícia is a designer and facilitator of distributed leadership, community building and decentralised governance.

Miriam Moreno Bellido


From 1999 working with Companies. Miriam helps change happen and to introduce a culture of constant change. Focused on Transformation, New Org Paradigms, Leadership, Remote Culture & Equity.

Stefan Morales


An open-hearted iconoclast, Stefan loves to include + unleash everyone. He specializes in org dev, social design + digital facilitation.

Elena Denaro


A recovering quasi-academic, Elena loves creating holistic and transformative learning experiences. Relational dynamics are her jam.

Susan Basterfield


Susan is a catalyst and coach who believes that awareness and discernment is the key to everything. She accompanies leaders and organizations on their transformational journeys.

Manel Heredero


An org transformation facilitator focused on transforming business strategy, developing knowledge networks + tapping into collective intelligence.

Francesca Pick


A seasoned ecosystem builder and network weaver, working to help networked organizations thrive thanks to distributed governance practices and tools.

Ria Baeck


30 years as therapist - coach - mentor. Linking the very personal, individual knots with the systemic, organisational level.

How Greaterthan works

We are a global self-managed collective. Our organisation is an experimentation ground for our practice, which is continuously evolving. Greaterthan is also proudly Stewardship-Owned, anchoring our commitment to creating value (over generating profit) for all our stakeholders: our members, partners, the communities and ecosystems we are part of, and the earth.

Learn more about our structure and governance in our handbook.

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Principles that guide us

Greater than the sum of our parts

We embrace our interdependence to create more impact, sustainable livelihoods and joy.

Ground ourselves in practice

We only offer what we have experienced ourselves, and learn through continuous practice and experimentation.

Work with Power

We create the conditions for stepping into our collective power, by working consciously and explicitly with power dynamics.

Stay perpetually curious

We welcome contradictions and dissent, with an open mind and open heart.

Lead with (com)passion and authenticity

We care and take responsibility for ourselves, each other and the whole, to be able to safely explore our edges.

Learn more about our principles here

Are you also dedicated to changing how we organise? Let's connect.