Everyone has the opportunity to have a say in decisions that affect them.
Value is recognized and distributed in a healthy, regenerative way.
Caring relationships and human development thrive.
People express their creativity and entrepreneurialism.
Everyone can step into their power and lead.
Humble Advisors
We share our advice and expertise based on our experience with conviction but at the same time we are not dogmatic or attached to there being one ‘right’ way.
Loving Challengers
We give feedback and challenge people when we think it is in line with the vision and realising potential, but always aim to do it with love.
Transparent collaborators
We value transparency and openness highly, when it comes to finances, what we are doing, what we are noticing, and expect the same from our partners, and aim to involve our partners in decisions.
Accountable Partners
We take responsibility for our limitations and mistakes, are open to feedback, and do the work to restore the trust.
Explore the many ways in which we have supported many types of organizations across sectors.
Online facilitation training at scale during Covid19
Supporting an experiment in volunteer-led transformation
Co-design of a new compensation model
Regenerative Organizing Research and Team Development
Growing a scaleup with self-management
Self-management in the Indian packaging industry