Youtube Channel

Greaterthan members

Re-watch the many events and talks we have hosted with guests and given ourselves, on our youtube channel.


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Audio & Video

The How Podcast | Season 1

Francesca Pick, Susan Basterfield and Lyssa Adkins

Introducing The HOW, Greaterthan’s new show and podcast on organisational change - the future of work is already here... it's just unevenly distributed. Join us and learn how to practise a new kind of leadership, where we interrogate hierarchy, wrangle with power and centralised decision making, and subtract ‘management’ from change management. In episode 1 we kick-off season 1 of The HOW and explore how we got here.


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Audio & Video

Getting out of the building: 5 reasons to take your team outdoors

Anna Kopacz & David Weingartner

Getting out of the building: 5 reasons to take your team outdoors


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Guides & Practices

Retreats Matter

Manel Heredero

How teams gather is becoming ever more important due to the growth of remote work and the increasing number of project-based teams.


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Cut the bullshit: organizations with no hierarchy don’t exist

by Francesca Pick

Do completely horizontal organizations truly exist? Fueled by excitement about self-management, bossless leadership and models such as Holacracy, we increasingly hear unrealistic claims about the potential of “flat organizations”.


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How to Remote — common challenges with remote work

by Joriam Philipe

The invisible challenge of remote work is that many things happen automatically when you’re face to face — and it might take you a while to realize what’s missing in online interaction.


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What we learned from training 800+ people on great remote meetings

by Lisa Gill

After having run a great remote meetings training for over 800+ people all over the world, here are some insights on the biggest challenges we have heard people are wrestling with, and a few of our favorite tips for addressing them.


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Better Work Together


A collection of stories and tools from the front lines of the future of working together. A collectively produced book by members of the Enspiral community, and actively supported by Greaterthan.


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Wise Agenda

Elena Denaro

A useful team meeting template that helps you create a dynamic and collectively held agenda. Adapted from Percolab.


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Tools & Templates